Breaking the ice on icebergs

( -- Icebergs are a natural and beautiful part of Earth's cryosphere, and are closely monitored and studied by scientists around the world.

China sets sail for the Arctic

A Chinese research vessel and ice-breaker is due to set sail this week for the Arctic, a region much coveted by Beijing for its wealth of scientific data and natural resources.

Satellite takes a space-eye view of Arctic ice

( -- More than 700 kilometres above Earth, a recently launched satellite is being readied to provide University of Alberta researchers with a new set of eyes for monitoring ice thickness across the Arctic.

Planning Our Phases on the Moon

As space agencies around the world gear up for a return of humans to the Moon, researchers are beginning to outline important scientific priorities. A new study at an impact crater in Canada is helping mission planners develop ...

Former coal mine aids Arctic climate research

Out of place in the snowy, polar landscape, the train that once hauled coal out of the mountain serves as a reminder to scientists at the Ny-Aalesund Arctic research station of the origin of the planet's woes.

Why freezing the Arctic Council is bad news for global security

For the past quarter-century, the Arctic has been a unique zone of cooperation among the eight countries of the high north: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Russia and the United States. Even when relations ...

Low sea ice cover in the Arctic

The sea ice extent in the Arctic is nearing its annual minimum at the end of the melt season in September. Only circa 3.9 million square kilometres of the Arctic Ocean are covered by sea ice anymore, according to researchers ...

Arctic study to shed light on organisms key to the food chain

A research team—led by a University of Stirling expert—will set off on a scientific cruise to the Arctic Ocean this weekend in a bid to understand the behaviour of tiny organisms that are key to the food chain.

Climate data now available on Amazon

A new climate dataset representing historic and future conditions in Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories is now available on Amazon's Public Dataset Program.

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