Bering Strait may be global temperature stabilizer

( -- A diverse group of climate researchers has found after running computer simulations that the strait that separates North America and Russia might be serving as a global temperature stabilizer. This, they write ...

Riddle of varying warm water inflow in the Arctic now solved

In the "weather kitchen," the interplay between the Azores High and Icelandic Low has a substantial effect on how much warm water the Atlantic transports to the Arctic along the Norwegian coast. But this rhythm can be thrown ...

Life in the smoke of underwater volcanoes

Deep down in the ocean at tectonic plate boundaries, hot fluids rise from hydrothermal vents. The fluids are devoid of oxygen and contain large amounts of metals such as iron, manganese or copper. Some may also transport ...

Antarctic sea ice cover at record low

Sea ice in Antarctica shrank to the smallest area on record in February for the second year in a row, continuing a decade-long decline, the European Union's climate monitoring service said Tuesday.

Plastic debris in the Arctic comes from all around the world

"Citizen Science" gives interested citizens the chance to actively engage in scientific research. A citizen-science project conducted by AWI in the Arctic now shows just how successful this can be. In the course of five years, ...

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