Breaking the ice on icebergs

( -- Icebergs are a natural and beautiful part of Earth's cryosphere, and are closely monitored and studied by scientists around the world.

Russia evacuates drifting Arctic research station

Russia has ordered the urgent evacuation of the 16-strong crew of a drifting Arctic research station after ice floe that hosts the floating laboratory began to disintegrate, officials said Thursday.

Determining why the Arctic is turning ever greener

A research team from ETH Zurich and WSL traveled to Spitsbergen this summer to take a closer look at the phenomenon of Arctic greening. Project manager Sebastian Dötterl discusses research in the face of polar bears, strikes ...

Cold wind makes Norwegian Sea warmer

(—The Gulf Stream and the warm waters it brings are one reason the climate is milder along the Norwegian coastline than other places so far north. Researchers now know that the Gulf Stream is not only driven from ...

Aarhus University builds research station in North Greenland

Climate change is one of the major challenges facing the international community in the coming century. The warmer climate has already had a significant impact on the distribution of the sea ice, and has led to the advancement ...

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