Russia blames TNK-BP for massive oil leaks

Russia's environment minister on Thursday blamed Russian-British oil company TNK-BP for causing massive oil pollution in a resource-rich Siberian region and failing to invest in its infrastructure.

NASA Simulates Space Exploration at Remote Arctic Crater Site

( -- NASA personnel are among a group of international researchers who are in the Canadian Arctic assessing concepts for future planetary exploration as part of the Haughton-Mars Project, or HMP-2010.

Canadian Arctic to lead national growth

Canada's northern territories will lead the nation in growth in the next two years, buoyed by high commodities prices and a ramping up of new mines, a report said Wednesday.

Arctic countries seek cooperation as ice melts

Top diplomats from eight Arctic countries will meet Thursday to set down rules for opening the vast region to fishing, tourism, oil and mineral exploration as global warming melts the ice.

Change is the order of the day in the Arctic

Climate change in the Arctic is occurring at a faster and more drastic rate than previously assumed, according to experts attending the AMAP conference in Copenhagen. The latest scientific data show that developments in the ...

A cold case heats up again

Twenty-five years ago, a U of A professor together with a newly minted alumnus, John Geiger, '81 BA, published Frozen in Time, a shocking and influential account of the Franklin expedition's disastrous final days. Lead poisoning. ...

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