How rodents bulk up for winter without going nuts

When Arctic ground squirrels need to bulk up for winter, they get a boost from an enormous spike in the levels of steroids in their blood. So why doesn't it lead to 'roid rage?

Sandy prompts renewed interest and concern in climate change

Superstorm Sandy's hurricane winds and torrential downpours killed at least 106 people, left millions without power, and caused billions of dollars in damage. It also got people—including the mayor of New York—talking ...

Conducting cool summer research in the Arctic

The Arctic Coastal Ecosystems Survey (ACES) is focused on understanding the ecological role of near-shore and lagoon habitats of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas that surround Alaska and its connectivity with the coastal ocean. ...

Studying climate change at opposite ends of the Earth

Her major in environmental sciences has given Griffin all kinds of opportunities. She competed with BYU's Mars Rover team. She presented at conferences in Leuven, Belgium; Portland, Oregon; Boulder, Colorado; and Davos, Switzerland. ...

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