First 3D structure of regulator protein revealed

Proteins are indispensable components in living organisms. They are not only "building material" for the body—they also make molecular communication between cells possible, they are needed for nerve impulses to occur, and ...

Research into ground improvement technique ahead of earthquakes

Juan Carlos Tiznado is the lead author on a new paper in the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering that helps engineers better understand and predict the "liquefaction" hazard during earthquakes and more ...

Unraveling a mystery of dinoflagellate genomic architecture

New work from a Stanford University-led team of researchers including Carnegie's Arthur Grossman and Tingting Xiang unravels a longstanding mystery about the relationship between form and function in the genetic material ...

Neuromorphic computing with memristors

In a paper published in Nano, researchers study the role of memristors in neuromorphic computing. This novel fundamental electronic component supports the cloning of bio-neural systems with low cost and power.

Ammonium triggers formation of lateral roots

Despite the importance of changes in root architecture to exploit local nutrient patches, mechanisms integrating external nutrient signals into the root developmental program remain poorly understood. "Here, we show for the ...

Upside down houses for the dead at Maeshowe

New archaeological research by the University of the Highlands and Islands at the Stone Age tomb, Maeshowe located within the Orkney UNESCO World Heritage Site, has found its side chambers are stylistically upside-down from ...

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