Using floodwaters to weather droughts

Floodwaters are not what most people consider a blessing. But they could help remedy California's increasingly parched groundwater systems, according to a new Stanford-led study. The research, published in Science Advances, ...

Toward a smarter way of recharging the aquifer

To replenish groundwater, many municipalities inject reclaimed water into depleted aquifers. The injected water has been purified by secondary wastewater treatment, and, in some cases, the water has been treated through tertiary ...

Finding the 'sweet spots' for managed aquifer recharge

Much of California's $50 billion agricultural industry depends on groundwater. We typically see only what this water makes possible above the soil: almond and pistachio groves, citrus orchards, rows of lettuce and grapevines ...

How we can 'bank' water underground for use later on

Groundwater has often been seen as the underground resource that never runs out. This "out of sight out of mind" attitude means wells and boreholes are indiscriminately sunk and that groundwater is abused by the public and ...

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