Quality, not quantity, of diet is key to health of baby birds

In a new study that upends the way ornithologists think about a young bird's diet – but won't shock parents used to scanning the nutritional profile of their children's food – Cornell researchers have found that when ...

Sentinel-1 counts fish

Images from the Sentinel-1A satellite are being used to monitor aquaculture in the Mediterranean, in another example of the mission's contribution to food security, as fisheries become the main source of seafood.

Conservation theory gets mathematical treatment

Theories used for the last four decades as a tool to guide the conservation of flora and fauna may have misinterpreted the biological reality, according to new research by mathematicians at the University of York.

Climate-warmed leaves change lake ecosystems, study finds

Rising soil temperatures significantly affect autumn leaves and consequently the food web, appearance and biochemical makeup of the lakes and ponds those leaves fall into, a Dartmouth College-led study finds.

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