Satellites show different sides of Hurricane Irma

Satellite imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite and NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite have provided different data on the still Category 5 Hurricane Irma as it headed for the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Typhoon Lionrock threatening Japan

Depending on the intensity track of Typhoon Lionrock, it could pass over Japan with the strength of a lion or or the weakness of a lamb. The intensity track is not clear as yet and some forecasters have it remaining a stronger ...

NASA sees Depression 12-E become Tropical Storm Lowell

In less than 24 hours after Tropical Depression 12-E was born in the eastern Pacific Ocean it strengthened into Tropical Storm Lowell. NOAA's GOES-West and NASA's Aqua satellite captured infrared images of the massive storm ...

NASA catches the re-birth of zombie tropical cyclone Francisco

The low-pressure area that had once been Tropical Cyclone Francisco has been lingering in the Southern Indian Ocean since Feb. 6 when it weakened below tropical cyclone status. Since then, Francisco's remnants moved into ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Ana still vigorous

NASA's TRMM satellite saw that Tropical Storm Ana was still generating moderate rainfall is it pulled away from Hawaii. The next day, NASA's Aqua satellite saw that wind shear was having an effect on the storm as it moved ...

NASA sees Hurricane Julio organize and emit a gamma-ray flash

NASA's Fermi and Aqua satellites captured two different views of bursts of strength show by Hurricane Julio as it intensified. NASA's Fermi satellite saw a gamma-ray flash from Julio, while NASA's Aqua satellite saw Julio ...

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