An electrical switch for magnetism

NUS physicists have demonstrated the control of magnetism in a magnetic semiconductor via electrical means, paving the way for novel spintronic devices.

Laser pulses create topological state in graphene

Discovering ways to control the topological aspects of quantum materials is an important research frontier because it can lead to desirable electrical and spin transport properties for future device technologies. Now MPSD ...

Simplifying supersonic nozzle pressure monitoring

A bit of serendipity while carrying out a routine calibration led a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (Berkeley Lab) BELLA Center to discover a new method to measure the pressure of supersonic nozzles. ...

The Future Is 3-D Liquid Crystals

( -- Dr. Tim Wilkinson from the Department's Photonics Research Group, University of Cambridge, has made an exciting breakthrough, he has combined liquid crystals with vertically grown carbon nanotubes to create ...

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