Six-year journey leads to proof of Feit-Thompson Theorem

At 5:46 p.m. on Sept. 20, Georges Gonthier, principal researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge, sent a brief email to his colleagues at the Microsoft Research-Inria Joint Centre in Paris. It read, in full: "This is really ...

Just hours after launch, RBSP takes first science steps

(—While the RBSP teams at NASA's Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station celebrated a job well done following the 4:05 a.m. EDT launch of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes on Thursday, Aug. 30, ...

New RBSP instrument telemetry provides 'textbook' excitement

(—In the very early hours of Sept. 1 – just under two days since the 4:05 a.m. EDT launch of NASA's Radiation Belt Storm Probes – the team at the RBSP Mission Operations Center (MOC) controlling spacecraft ...

Researchers make first all-optical nanowire switch

(—Computers may be getting faster every year, but those advances in computer speed could be dwarfed if their 1's and 0's were represented by bursts of light, instead of electricity.

Researchers hope to transform software engineering training

Ten percent of software projects are abandoned, one-third are not successful and more than half end up late or over budget. But technology isn't to blame. People are. Now, researchers led by a San Francisco State University ...

Engineers are designing, building mechanical ray (w/ Video)

( -- Batoid rays, such as stingrays and manta rays, are among nature's most elegant swimmers. They are fast, highly maneuverable, graceful, energy-efficient, can cruise, bird-like, for long distances in the deep, ...

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