Related topics: nasa

Sound bullets in water

Sound waves are commonly used in applications ranging from ultrasound imaging to hyperthermia therapy, in which high temperatures are induced, for example, in tumors to destroy them. In 2010, researchers at Caltech led by ...

Researchers engineer microscale optical accelerometer

Imagine navigating through a grocery store with your cell phone. As you turn down the bread aisle, ads and coupons for hot dog buns and English muffins pop up on your screen. The electronics industry would like to make such ...

Glaciers cracking in the presence of carbon dioxide

(—The well-documented presence of excessive levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere is causing global temperatures to rise and glaciers and ice caps to melt. New research, published today in the Journal ...

New etching method helps to build 3-D structures from 2-D template

In modern telecommunications, light carries digital information over kilometers within seconds. Adapted optical materials control the light signals. In the Advanced Functional Materials journal, researchers from Berlin, Louvain, ...

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