Microsoft to open 'app store' in February

Microsoft began wooing developers for a February opening of its first "app store" for computers powered by the US technology giant's Windows software.

Facebook, HTC building Android smartphone: report

Facebook has allied with Taiwan's HTC to build a customized smartphone powered by Google's Android mobile operating system, according to technology blog All Things Digital.

Facebook tightens grip on user ID data

Facebook took more steps to stop third-party applications from sharing identifying information about users with advertising and Internet tracking companies.

Google building online Chrome application shop

Google on Wednesday gave software developers an early peek at an online Chrome Web Store it is building as an emporium for games and other applications built for use on the Web.

New Windows phones won't run current apps

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. has said its new software for smart phones, Windows Phone 7 series, is a "clean break" with the past. Now it's clear just how clean that break is: The new phones, expected late this year, won't run ...

Palm's webOS hasn't gotten the attention it deserves

Lost in the recent deluge of smart-phone news -- Apple's iPhone store hitting 100,000 applications, and the launches of the new Droid phone and the BlackBerry Storm, among other things -- have been the efforts of longtime ...

Twitter to show whereabouts of tweeters

Twitter is adding location to its globally popular microblogging service in a move that will let people see where "tweets" are coming from.

Taking the hard work out of software

Developing software is a complicated and laborious process. A new European platform automates much of the tricky building and testing phases of programming.

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