Facebook tightens grip on user ID data

Facebook took more steps to stop third-party applications from sharing identifying information about users with advertising and Internet tracking companies.

The automotive internet, from vision to reality

(PhysOrg.com) -- European researchers developed a vision for a new, cooperative traffic system based on advanced communication hardware and software, a kind of automotive internet; they also created all the necessary enabling ...

Google building online Chrome application shop

Google on Wednesday gave software developers an early peek at an online Chrome Web Store it is building as an emporium for games and other applications built for use on the Web.

EBay CEO envisions PayPal in more offline settings

(AP) -- The waiter asks: "Will you be paying by cash, credit or PayPal?" The man in charge of PayPal's parent company says you shouldn't be surprised to hear that question within a year.

Adobe needs rebound with latest Creative Suite

(AP) -- Pent-up demand is expected to boost sales of the newest installment of Adobe Systems Inc.'s Creative Suite, the software package for professional designers and Web developers that brings in most of Adobe's revenue. ...

New Windows phones won't run current apps

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. has said its new software for smart phones, Windows Phone 7 series, is a "clean break" with the past. Now it's clear just how clean that break is: The new phones, expected late this year, won't run ...

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