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Review: New Apple Photos app makes fixing, cropping easy

If you're like most people, those hundreds of photos you took on vacation are still on your camera or phone. You shared a handful on Facebook or Instagram, and tell yourself that you'll sift through the others—one day.

Apple App Store suffers 'worst' malware attack

Hackers infiltrated the vaunted Apple ecosystem by injecting malicious software into popular Chinese mobile apps, potentially affecting hundreds of millions of users and raising security concerns as the US tech giant prepares ...

Wiki-Kids: Teaching educators a thing or two about learning

Over the last decade, educators veered away from rote learning as the dominant technique for children's education. New curriculum standards call for a greater emphasis on active learning, critical thinking, and communication, ...

Review: New Apple TV has promise, but doesn't reach it yet

When Apple unveiled its new digital set-top box in June, I wrote that Apple TV had the potential to revolutionize the way we use our televisions, transforming the simple boob tube into a computing device through which we ...

Flowers, letters, and gadgets at Apple store 'shrines'

Grateful fans flocked to Apple stores across the United States Thursday erecting makeshift shrines to deceased co-founder Steve Jobs to thank him for inventing the gadgets that revolutionized their lives.

Saudi Arabian 'honesty' app takes internet by storm

Fizzing with boyish exuberance, Saudi programmer Zainalabdin Tawfiq could be mistaken for a college freshman, but the popularity of his "honesty" app has shone a spotlight on the conservative kingdom's nascent tech scene.

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