Related topics: steve jobs

Apple's TV presence is strong at CES, though it's not there

At the Consumer Electronics Show, models walked around with large, lightweight flat-screen televisions showing vivid nature scenes, executives waved next-generation "magic" remote controls and audiences were treated to demonstrations ...

Apple 'to design own computer chips'

Apple is building the capability to design its own computer chips in a strategic shift aimed at cutting its reliance on outside suppliers, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

7 products Steve Jobs got wrong

(AP) -- Steve Jobs pushed the envelope many times when it came to product design, and the results weren't always pretty. Here are seven products created under his direction that failed commercially or functionally:

Amazon launches iPad rival, the Kindle Fire (Update 4)

US online retail giant Amazon launched a touchscreen tablet computer, the Kindle Fire, on Wednesday that costs $199, less than half the price of the cheapest iPad from market-leader Apple.

Apple chief sees computers on wrists, not in glasses

Apple chief Tim Cook said he sees promise in computers shrunk down and worn like watches or other accessories, but drew the line at Internet-linked eyewear such as Google Glass.

Apple says Mac users mostly safe from 'Bash' bug

Apple said Friday that its Macintosh PCs are unlikely to be affected by the recently discovered "Bash" bug that could hit millions of computers and other devices connected to the Internet.

10 products that defined Steve Jobs' career

(AP) -- Steve Jobs had no formal schooling in engineering, yet he's listed as the inventor or co-inventor on more than 300 U.S. patents. These are some of the significant products that were created under his direction:

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