EU probes Samsung, Germany blocks its tablets

Samsung took a hit in its battle against arch-rival Apple on Tuesday, when the European Union announced it will investigate whether it is illegally trying to hinder competitors and Germany blocked sales of some of its tablets.

Judges hear arguments over NSA surveillance (Update)

A federal appeals court heard arguments Monday in an Idaho woman's challenge to the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records—the third time in recent months that appeals courts around the country have ...

Shell suspends drilling in Alaska as profits plunge

Royal Dutch Shell will suspend drilling in offshore Alaska after a US court decision and as the oil major streamlines operations following a slump in annual profits, it said on Thursday.

ACLU asks appeals court to halt NSA phone record collection

Civil liberties groups asked a federal appeals court Tuesday to again strike down as unconstitutional a portion of a law used by the government to justify the collection and storage of Americans' phone records.

Court won't reduce student's music download fine

(AP) -- The Supreme Court has refused to take up a Boston University student's constitutional challenge to a $675,000 penalty for illegally downloading 30 songs and sharing them on the Internet.

Judge refuses to delay NY case for Google appeal

(AP)—The federal judge presiding over challenges to Google Inc.'s plans to create the world's largest digital library has refused to delay the 7-year-old case while Google appeals his decision to grant authors class certification.

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