Chinese rover finds translucent glass globules on the moon

Scientists say China's Yutu-2 rover, part of the Chang'E-4 mission, has found several small glass globules on the moon's far side. While tiny glass beads have been found previously in lunar samples brought back by the Apollo ...

Did Titan give Saturn its tilt?

Giant planets like Saturn don't just tilt over all by themselves; something has to knock them over, or tug on them gravitationally, to push them off axis. Scientists expect that when new planets are born, they form with almost ...

Canadian will join Moon mission for first time in 2023

A Canadian astronaut will take part in a lunar mission for the first time in 2023, as part of the NASA-led Artemis project, the minister for innovation, science and industry announced Wednesday.

ESA helps analyze untouched Moon rocks

Almost 50 years after the Apollo missions returned lunar material to Earth, ESA experts are helping to uncover the secrets of two previously unopened samples to learn more about ancient processes on the Moon—and to refine ...

NASA's coating technology could help resolve lunar dust challenge

An advanced coating now being tested aboard the International Space Station for use on satellite components could also help NASA solve one of its thorniest challenges: how to keep the Moon's irregularly shaped, razor-sharp ...

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