Discovery changes understanding of water's history on the moon

New research from a Western University postdoctoral fellow shows the early lunar crust, which makes up the surface of the moon, was considerably enriched in water more than 4 billion years ago, counter to previously held ...

Should the next big observatories be built on the moon?

We have built telescopes in our backyards, and high upon remote mountains, and even launched telescopes into space. With each advancement in our technology, we have made amazing and surprising new discoveries about the universe. ...

The lunar alarm clock: New study characterizes regular moonquakes

Every morning and afternoon, like clockwork, the surface of the moon trembles with tiny "moonquakes." Now, new analysis of seismic activity on the moon has characterized these events and discovered that some of them are not ...

Indian rover begins exploring moon's south pole

India began exploring the moon's surface with a rover on Thursday, a day after it became the first nation to land a craft near the largely unexplored lunar south pole.

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