Aphids balance their diets by rebuilding plant amino acids

Aphids suck up an almost endless supply of sugary sap from their plant hosts. They can survive on this junk food diet because bacterial partners help them convert the handful of amino acids in the sap into other, essential ...

Light pollution shown to affect plant growth and food webs

Artificial night time light from sources such as street lamps affects the growth and flowering of plants and even the number of insects that depend on those plants for food, a study published today confirms.

Yellow sugarcane aphid detected in continental Europe

Aphids are a kind of insect that typically lives on the aerial parts of plants, feeding on the sap that flows through the phloem with a specialized buccal apparatus. That is why they are considered pests in agricultural crops.

Big science from small insects

Anniversaries are often a time to look back. But after taking stock of the past, it can be just as important to look to the future.

Dwindling wind may tip predator-prey balance

Bent and tossed by the wind, a field of soybean plants presents a challenge for an Asian lady beetle on the hunt for aphids. But what if the air—and the soybeans—were still?

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