Soybean aphids starting to increase

The increase in soybean aphid numbers means producers should step up scouting efforts, but they also should take caution to avoid unnecessary spraying.

Fewer aphids in organic crop fields

Farmers who spray insecticides against aphids as a preventative measure only achieve a short-term effect with this method. In the long term, their fields will end up with even more aphids than untreated fields. This has been ...

Freefall -- aphids' survival strategy

As soon as aphids feeding on a plant sense the heat and humidity in a mammal's breath, they drop to safety before they are inadvertently ingested together with the plant the animal is feeding on. These findings by Moshe Gish ...

New and old threats to soybean production

University of Illinois researchers identified the top pathogens, pests and weeds affecting soybean production in a recent article in Food Security. Soybean aphid, soybean rust, soybean cyst nematode, Sclerotina stem rot and ...

Solving an old mystery with wasps

Swiss researchers at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich have discovered that a single gene in a particular aphid wasp decides whether the insects reproduce sexually or asexually. This is not only of interest for pest ...

Identity theft by aphids

Collaborative research at the University of Guam has people asking: "What IS a species" and entomologists wondering about the relationship between an insect species and the host plant or plants it feeds on.

Color-changing bacterium inside the pea aphid

A bacterium that can live symbiotically inside the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, is able to change the insect’s body color from red to green, a RIKEN-led team of molecular entomologists has found. Because body color ...

In Brief: A symbiotic, color-changing relationship

For the tiny pea aphid, body color is a matter of life and death: Red and green color morphs determine their susceptibility to various predators and parasites in the wild.

Aphid immune system aided by friendly bacteria

( -- Conventional thinking says that animal immune systems have evolved to defend against harmful microorganisms, but a new Cornell study examines the role of friendly bacteria in shaping animal immunity.

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