The extraordinary return of sea otters to Glacier Bay

Human beings have a long history of persecuting apex predators such as wolves, tigers and leopards. The loss of these predators – animals at the top of the food chain – has resulted in ecological, economic and social ...

Cane toad advance aids Kimberley bird numbers

It is difficult to imagine a positive outcome from the spread of the highly destructive cane toad into the Kimberley (Rhinella marinus) but research shows with the toad's spread some animal numbers may be increasing, including ...

Tracking project reveals roaming tiger sharks

THE sight of a shark's dorsal fin sticking out of the water usually strikes fear into the hearts of swimmers but for a group of WA researchers every time a tagged tiger shark's (Galeocerdo cuvier) dorsal fin stuck out of ...

Pumas in populated areas kill more and eat less

Female pumas in areas with a high density of housing kill more deer but eat less of the carcasses than those in areas with little housing, finds a study in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Colossal new predatory dino terrorized early tyrannosaurs

A new species of carnivorous dinosaur – one of the three largest ever discovered in North America – lived alongside and competed with small-bodied tyrannosaurs 98 million years ago. This newly discovered species, Siats ...

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