Gorilla genome sequenced

The assembly of the gorilla genome was announced today, March 7, by a multi-national group of researchers. The gorilla is the last genus of the living great apes to have its genome decoded. While confirming that our closest ...

Helping your fellow rat: Rodents show empathy-driven behavior

The first evidence of empathy-driven helping behavior in rodents has been observed in laboratory rats that repeatedly free companions from a restraint, according to a new study by University of Chicago neuroscientists.

Bonobos say no by shaking their heads

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists report having observed and filmed bonobos (also known as pygmy chimpanzees) shaking their heads to say “no” to prevent an unwanted behavior in another animal. Bonobos have never before been ...

Great apes know they could be wrong

orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas - realize that they can be wrong when making choices, according to Dr. Josep Call from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. Dr. Call's study ...

The cost of being on your toes

Humans, other great apes and bears are among the few animals that step first on the heel when walking, and then roll onto the ball of the foot and toes. Now, a University of Utah study shows the advantage: Compared with heel-first ...

Why humans outlive apes

The same evolutionary genetic advantages that have helped increase human lifespans also make us uniquely susceptible to diseases of aging such as cancer, heart disease and dementia, reveals a study to be published in a special ...

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