Apes unwilling to gamble when odds are uncertain

(PhysOrg.com) -- Humans are known to play it safe in a situation when they aren't sure of the odds, or don’t have confidence in their judgments. We don’t like to choose the unknown.

German scientists discover rare ape species in Asia

German scientists said on Tuesday they had discovered a new rare and endangered ape species in the tropical rainforests between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia by its distinctive song.

Mongooses pass traditions on to their young, too

For the passing on of traditions, it appears that an especially big brain isn't required. A new report published online on June 3rd in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, shows that even mongooses in the wild carry ...

Among Apes, Teeth Are Made for the Toughest Times (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- The teeth of some apes are formed primarily to handle the most stressful times when food is scarce, according to new research performed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The findings ...

Hormone that affects finger length key to social behavior

The hormones, called androgens, are important in the development of masculine characteristics such as aggression and strength. It is also thought that prenatal androgens affect finger length during development in the womb. ...

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