Laugh and apes laugh with you

( -- Just like humans, chimpanzees mimic the laughter of their playmates even if they don't find the situation as 'funny'.

Malaysian experiment releases 3 orangutans in wild

(AP) -- Malaysian researchers are testing whether three young orangutans reared in captivity can adapt to life in the wild outside Borneo, while activists insisted Wednesday the experiment was a flawed way of trying to help ...

Orangutan copy cats (w/ Video)

You know the saying "monkey see, monkey do?" How about "orangutan see, orangutan do?" If that holds true, the small orangutan peering over his mother's shoulder in an enclosure at Zoo Atlanta should learn how to get a tasty ...

Apes unwilling to gamble when odds are uncertain

( -- Humans are known to play it safe in a situation when they aren't sure of the odds, or don’t have confidence in their judgments. We don’t like to choose the unknown.

German scientists discover rare ape species in Asia

German scientists said on Tuesday they had discovered a new rare and endangered ape species in the tropical rainforests between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia by its distinctive song.

New research reveals why chimpanzees attack humans

Scientists from Kyoto University, Japan, studying chimpanzees in Guinea have published research revealing why primates attack humans and what prevention measures can be taken. The study, published in a special issue of The ...

Not enough hours in the day for endangered apes

A study on the effect of global warming on African ape survival suggests that a warming climate may cause apes to run 'out of time'. The research, published today in Journal of Biogeography, reveals that rising temperatures ...

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