Man's relationship with nature gone wrong, expert says

Jane Goodall greets the audience by imitating a chimpanzee, then launches into an hour-long talk on her relationship with apes and how, from being a primatologist, she became an activist to protect them.

Bonobos predisposed to show sensitivity to others

Comforting a friend or relative in distress may be a more hard-wired behavior than previously thought, according to a new study of bonobos, which are great apes known for their empathy and close relation to humans and chimpanzees. ...

Curiosity killed the ape

Recent research has brought to light the illegal practice of using mantraps to catch chimps in Uganda.

Research chimps to be sent to US sanctuary

(AP)—All but about 50 of hundreds of research chimpanzees belonging to the National Institutes of Health should be retired to the national sanctuary in northwest Louisiana, and all of them should have plenty of room to ...

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