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The myth of the 'math person'

In the 1970s, Sheila Tobias noticed something peculiar going on in mathematics. In one of her early studies, the graduate of Radcliffe College, self-described "scholar activist," and author of 14 books, including the 1978 ...

The surprising benefits of group exercise for anxious dogs

Humans weren't the only beings doing it tough with mental health issues during the pandemic. Our pets suffered too—particularly dogs, who are known to pick up on and share our own anxiety and stress. In 2022 owners reported ...

New racism in 'reasonable accommodation'

It seems history has once again repeated itself. The recent introduction of a 'statement of values' by one of Quebec's biggest cities, Gatineau, harkens back to the 2007 outbreak of race anxiety when the village of Hérouxville ...

High-stakes exams can put female students at a disadvantage

Research has long shown that women who enter college intending to pursue a career in science abandon that path more frequently than their male peers, with many citing poor grades and large gateway classes as reasons for their ...

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