NA61/SHINE gives neutrino experiments a helping hand

Neutrinos are the lightest of all the known particles that have mass. Yet their behavior as they travel could help answer one of the greatest puzzles in physics: why the present-day universe is made mostly of matter when ...

The secret to measuring an antineutrino's energy

The MINERvA collaboration analyzed data from the interactions of an antineutrino—the antimatter partner of a neutrino—with a nucleus. They were surprised to find evidence that antineutrinos interacted with pairs of particles ...

New results on geo-neutrinos from Borexino

( —Borexino is a liquid scintillator detector mainly built for solar neutrino searches. Due to its high level of radiopurity, a worldwide record, Borexino can also detect rare events such as electron-antineutrinos ...

PROSPECTing for antineutrinos

The Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT) has completed the installation of a novel antineutrino detector that will probe the possible existence of a new form of matter.

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