Coping with the Anthropocene

Overpopulation, the greenhouse effect, warming temperatures and overall climate disruption are all well recognized as a major threat to the ecology and biodiversity of the Earth. The issue of mankind's negative impact on ...

With their mark on Earth, humans may name era too

(AP)—People are changing Earth so much, warming and polluting it, that many scientists are turning to a new way to describe the time we live in. They're calling it the Anthropocene (AN'-thruh-poh-seen)—the age of humans.

Humans leaving a permanent mark on deep Earth

Human forays deep underground, such as boreholes, mines and nuclear bomb tests, are leaving a mark on the planet's geology that will last for hundreds of millions of years, say scientists.

The cost of living in the Anthropocene

A biologist and an anthropologist have joined forces in a new journal article considering the true cost of living in the Anthropocene.

Anthropocene continues to spark scientific debate

How have humans influenced Earth? Can geoscientists measure when human impacts began overtaking those of Earth's other inhabitants and that of the natural Earth system? Responding to increasing scientific recognition that ...

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