How NASA's Deep Space Network supports the agency's missions

Over 50 years ago, NASA captured the world's imagination and inspired generations with the Apollo 11 moon landing. NASA's then-young Deep Space Network (DSN) was crucial to tracking and communicating with that mission, as ...

Cell Rover: Exploring and augmenting the inner world of a cell

Researchers at the MIT Media Lab have designed a miniature antenna that can operate wirelessly inside of a living cell, opening up possibilities in medical diagnostics and treatment and other scientific processes because ...

New giant deep-sea isopod discovered in the Gulf of Mexico

Researchers have identified a new species of Bathonymus, the famed genera of deep-sea isopods whose viral internet fame has made them the most famous aquatic crustaceans since Sebastian of "The Little Mermaid."

Microdrones with light-driven nanomotors

A hand-held laser pointer produces no noticeable recoil forces when it is "fired"—even though it emits a directed stream of light particles. The reason for this is its very large mass compared to the very small recoil impulses ...

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