Apple settles iPhone 4 antenna lawsuit: report

Apple has reached a settlement over a class-action lawsuit filed over the antenna problem which dogged the 2010 launch of its iPhone 4, according to a statement published.

Dead stars could be the future of spacecraft navigation

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Leicester have been commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) to investigate the feasibility of using dead stars to navigate spacecraft in deep ...

Many antennas, multiple benefits

A concept that balances large-scale installations of low-cost and low-power antennas to boost cellular coverage in difficult environments will also provide better connectivity to more users. Developed by A*STAR, this new ...

Endeavour astronauts wrap up third spacewalk

Two US astronauts wrapped up their third spacewalk outside the International Space Station on Wednesday after some doing maintenance work on the Russian side of the orbiting lab, NASA said.

Image: Hertz chamber for radio-frequency testing

A view inside ESA's cavernous Hertz chamber for radio-frequency testing of satellites, which will be on show to the public during this Sunday's ESA Open Day in the Netherlands.

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