Japan vows to keep whale hunt after activist clash

Japan vowed to continue its whale hunt in the Southern Ocean after clashes with the militant conservationist Sea Shepherd group, which claimed Tokyo had been forced to end the mission.

Study recommends special protection of emperor penguins

In a new study published this week (Wednesday 9 October) in the journal Biological Conservation, an international team of researchers recommends the need for additional measures to protect and conserve one of the most iconic ...

Alien plants and animals threaten Antarctica

While scientists globally have been tracking the impact of introduced, non-indigenous species into environments—this collaborative research between La Trobe University, the Arthur Rylah Institute and Monash University is ...

Antarctica tourism regulation urgent for environment: summit

Tourism regulation in Antarctica has become an urgent matter due to environmental threats, officials from the 53 member countries of the Antarctic Treaty warned at their annual meeting, held this week in Buenos Aires.

Seabird populations on Antarctic Peninsula unexpected

Results of a new study on Antarctic seabirds shows a larger percentage of their populations inhabit important nesting sites around Ryder Bay, close to British Antarctic Survey's Rothera Station than previously thought. The ...

China to build two more Antarctic bases

China is to build two extra research stations in Antarctica, where it currently has three facilities, the State Oceanic Administration confirmed on Friday.

Chinese icebreaker shines spotlight on polar ambitions

A Chinese research vessel's escape from pack ice after evacuating 52 people from a Russian ship trapped in Antarctica has shone a spotlight on the Asian power's growing polar ambitions at both ends of the Earth.

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