Antarctic peninsula likely to warm over next two decades

An analysis of historic and projected simulations from 19 global climate models shows that, because of climate change, the temperature in the Antarctic peninsula will increase by 0.5 to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2044.

Getting to the bottom of Antarctic ice shelf melt

New measurements from the ocean under the center of the Ross Ice Shelf have significantly improved our understanding of the complex processes that drive melting in Antarctica.

Ice in motion: Satellites view decades of change

New time-lapse videos of Earth's glaciers and ice sheets as seen from space—some spanning nearly 50 years—are providing scientists with new insights into how the planet's frozen regions are changing.

Antarctic ice shelf 'sings' as winds whip across its surface

Winds blowing across snow dunes on Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf cause the massive ice slab's surface to vibrate, producing a near-constant set of seismic "tones" scientists could potentially use to monitor changes in the ice ...

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