The lasting legacy of climate change

An international team led by Dr Nicholas Golledge, who holds a joint position at Victoria University's Antarctic Research Centre and GNS Science, has published a paper in the respected scientific magazine Nature titled 'The ...

UAF model used to estimate Antarctic ice sheet melting

To see how burning up the Earth's available fossil fuels might affect the Antarctic ice sheet, scientists turned to a computer program developed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute. The ice would disappear, ...

Burning remaining fossil fuel could cause 60-meter sea level rise

New work from an international team including Carnegie's Ken Caldeira demonstrates that the planet's remaining fossil fuel resources would be sufficient to melt nearly all of Antarctica if burned, leading to a 50- or 60-meter ...

Ice sheets may be more resilient than thought

Sea level rise poses one of the biggest threats to human systems in a globally warming world, potentially causing trillions of dollars' worth of damages to flooded cities around the world. As surface temperatures rise, ice ...

NASA sees unavoidable sea level rise ahead (Update)

Sea levels are rising around the world, and the latest satellite data suggests that three feet (one meter) or more is unavoidable in the next 100-200 years, NASA scientists said Wednesday.

Seeing Antarctica's future more clearly

Do you love to lose yourself in little things? To read every footnote of a book, watch ants in a patch of grass, memorise every mole on a lover's skin?

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