52-million-year-old amber preserves 'ant-loving' beetle

Scientists have uncovered the fossil of a 52-million-year old beetle that likely was able to live alongside ants—preying on their eggs and usurping resources—within the comfort of their nest. The fossil, encased in a ...

Ants use 'photo library' to find home

(Phys.org) —Ants keep a collection of 'snapshots' taken close to the nest so they can find their way home from unfamiliar locations.

How scent can net bigger reward for ants in hunt for food

(Phys.org) -- University of Sussex biologists studying Brazilian big-headed ants have discovered how one species uses powerful scent trails to quickly recruit helpers in transporting prized food in a competitive environment ...

CT scanning shows how ants build without an architect

Ant nests are some of the most remarkable structures in nature. Their relative size is rivalled only by our own skyscrapers but there is no architect or blueprint.  Instead they are built collectively, through self-organization ...

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