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Website that rates people triggers controversy

Peter Kazanjy, a little-known San Francisco entrepreneur, has launched a controversial new Web site that overnight has turned him into a very public and not very popular figure.

Pentagon plays down security breach with US drones

A day after the Pentagon acknowledged that Iraqi militants had used cheap software to intercept US drone feeds, a new report on Friday said senior military officials had dismissed that risk in 2004.

Great Firewall 'upgrade' hits China Internet users

Chinese authorities who have long sought to limit access to information have reinforced the so-called Great Firewall of China, Internet firms say, frustrating businesses and raising activist concerns.

High cesium level found in fish by Fukushima plant

The Japanese utility that owns the tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant says it has detected a record 740,000 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium in a fish caught close to the plant.

Anonymous leaks emails hacked from Tunisia's leaders

Activists claiming affiliation with the hacking group Anonymous published about 2,700 emails Sunday purportedly between Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali and other members of his government.

Trolls often waive their anonymity online

Hate speech in social media can damage or even destroy the reputation of an individual or a company very quickly. Widespread opinion blames the fact that individuals generally write these things anonymously online as the ...

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