As sea ice disappears, a greener and browner Arctic emerges

Arctic sea ice has been in steep decline over the past two decades. A study of tundra shrubs published today in the journal PNAS shows that as sea ice disappears, the Arctic is becoming both greener and browner.

New York City's hidden old-growth forests

In the popular imagination, New York City is a mass of soaring steel-frame skyscrapers. But many of the city's 1 million buildings are not that modern. Behind their brick-and-mortar facades, its numerous 19th- and early 20th-century ...

Increase in CO2 has not stimulated growth of tropical trees

Since the start of the industrial revolution in 1850, atmospheric CO2 levels have increased by about 40%. However, contrary to expectations, the growth of tropical trees has not increased as a result. The prediction that ...

Trees reveal the evolution of environmental pollution

In an article published in the journal Environmental Pollution, Brazilian researchers have showed that tree species Tipuana tipu have been successfully employed as a marker of atmospheric pollution by heavy metal and other ...

Determining fish age using inner ear structures

Biologists in Japan have identified four distinct zones in the otolith, a calcium carbonate structure in the inner ear, which can be used to determine age in fish.

Floodplain forests under threat

A team from the Institute of Forest Sciences at the University of Freiburg shows that the extraction of ground water for industry and households is increasingly damaging floodplain forests in Europe given the increasing intensity ...