Short heels make elite sprinters super speedy

What is it about elite sprinters that gives them the edge over non-sprinters in the 100m dash? Stephen Piazza from the Pennsylvania State University publishes his discovery, in The Journal of Experimental Biology, that the ...

New 'bionic' leg gives amputees a natural gait

A new lower-limb prosthetic developed at Vanderbilt University allows amputees to walk without the leg-dragging gait characteristic of conventional artificial legs.

Ankle monitors could stigmatize wearers, research says

Electronic ankle monitors—increasingly used as an alternative to incarceration—are bulky and difficult to conceal, displaying their wearers' potential involvement with the justice system for all to see, according to a ...

Botflies and the perils of scientific research

At first, Chris Dick thought the persistent ache in his ankle was caused by a thorn embedded in his skin. Made sense, seeing as he had done some work on a Pennsylvania farm around that time. An X-ray revealed nothing unusual, ...

Ankle bracelet will be Strauss-Kahn companion

As former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn settles into house arrest awaiting trial on sexual assault charges his constant companion will be a GPS-equipped ankle bracelet tracking his every move.

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