Related topics: white matter

New 'metamaterial' practical for optical advances

( -- Researchers have taken a step toward overcoming a key obstacle in commercializing "hyperbolic metamaterials," structures that could bring optical advances including ultrapowerful microscopes, computers and solar ...

Resetting the future of MRAM

In close collaboration with colleagues from Bochum, Germany, and the Netherlands, researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany, have developed a novel, extremely thin structure made of various magnetic materials.

Madly Mapping the Universe

( -- It takes special software to map the universe from noisy data. A Berkeley Lab code called MADmap does just that for the cosmic microwave background and has now been adapted by scientists probing the sky with ...

Why solar wind is rhombic-shaped?

Why the temperatures in the solar wind are almost the same in certain directions, and why different energy densities are practically identical, was until now not clear.

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