Building a human body through gastrulation

A collaboration of researchers from Japan, Spain and the U.S. offers a phylogenetic and ontogenetic overview of the primitive streak and its role in mediating amniote (vertebrate animals that develop on land) gastrulation, ...

Watching SARS-CoV-2 spread in animal models in real time

A version of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, has been successfully modified to glow brightly in cells and animal tissues, providing a real-time way to track the spread and intensity of viral infection ...

The mechanics of puncture finally explained

The feeling of a needle piercing skin is familiar to most people, especially recently as COVID-19 vaccinations gain momentum. But what exactly happens when a needle punctures skin? The answer is revealed in a new paper published ...

Researchers use silkworm silk to model muscle tissue

Researchers at Utah State University are using silkworm silk to grow skeletal muscle cells, improving on traditional methods of cell culture and hopefully leading to better treatments for muscle atrophy.

A better reference genome for the rhesus macaque

A large team of researchers from the U.S., Italy and Germany has developed a new and improved reference genomic assembly for the rhesus macaque. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes using advanced ...

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