How to slow the spread of deadly 'superbugs'

Harnessing new advances in genomic surveillance technology could help detect the rise of deadly "superbugs" and slow their evolution and spread, improving global health outcomes, a new Australian study suggests.

How safe is your sushi? Some bacteria can pose a risk

Sushi has become everyday fare in Norway and elsewhere around the globe, and many people opt for sashimi and other raw fish when they want to treat themselves to something tasty.

Genetically modifying individual cells in animals

One proven method for tracking down the genetic causes of diseases is to knock out a single gene in animals and study the consequences this has for the organism. The problem is that for many diseases, the pathology is determined ...

App for visualizing the bovine physical–genetic map

Physical maps are created in genome research to illustrate how the genetic information is arranged on individual chromosomes. In addition, genetic maps show the probability with which genetic variants can be transmitted together ...

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