Why invasive ants are a silent threat to our ecosystems

Invertebrates are often described by experts as the "little things that run the world," and ants are certainly one of the top contenders for this role. Ants help ecosystems to function normally and the total weight of all ...

Fractal plumage indicates bird fitness

The complexity of the fractal geometry of a bird's plumage reveals its level of fitness, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B today.

Critters on ocean floor communicating in synchronized rumbles

September- Understanding animal communication has long been a fascinating and vast area of research for those who dare to welcome the challenge. Some species use body language to express their message while others use calls ...

In nature, dolphins 'whistle' by name

Wild bottlenose dolphins design unique signature whistles to identify themselves, and they answer when a close cohort calls them by name, researchers said Monday.

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