Researchers conduct whale fall studies in the South China Sea

In the late 1980s, scientists discovered that when a whale dies, its carcass sinks to the ocean bottom and a new ecosystem springs forth around the carcass. The carcass becomes a food source for this new ecosystem. A team ...

Up close with the largest animal on Earth

It's certainly sad when to learn of a whale's death, given they are some of the ocean's most majestic mammals. While no doubt tragic, researchers on Dalhousie's Agricultural Campus are looking for the silver lining.

100,000 Egypt cattle hit by foot-and-mouth: vets

Nearly 100,000 head of cattle are believed to have been struck by foot-and-mouth disease in Egypt, where a major new outbreak is threatening the entire region, veterinary sources warned on Tuesday.

Predators play irreplaceable role in ecosystems

New research recently published in Oikos shows that predators play a unique and important role in ecosystems by creating "ecological hotspots"—localized areas important for plants and animals.

How beetle larvae thrive on carrion

The burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides buries the cadavers of small animals in soil to use them as a food source for its offspring. However, the carcass and thus the breeding site are highly susceptible to microbial ...

Pumas in populated areas kill more and eat less

Female pumas in areas with a high density of housing kill more deer but eat less of the carcasses than those in areas with little housing, finds a study in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Turtle scavenging critical to freshwater ecosystem health

Freshwater turtles may have a role in regulating water quality in river systems by scavenging fish carcasses, suggests a study of Emydura macquarii, a vulnerable freshwater turtle species found in Australia. The findings ...

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