Little-known beaked whale found in cold waters off Hokkaido

Cetaceans are the best-known fully aquatic animals, including whales, dolphins and porpoises. The group includes more than 90 existing species, divided into baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti). Toothed ...

Computational model helps with diabetes drug design

For diabetes patients who must give themselves frequent insulin injections, the risk of low blood sugar can be life-threatening. A potential solution is a type of engineered insulin that circulates in the body and springs ...

How to make color-changing 'Transformers' with polymers

Shape and color changing are key survival traits for many animals. Chameleons can change their body to hide from predators, to reflect their moods, or even to defend their territory, while some soft-bodied animal-like octopuses, ...

Chimpanzees are not pets, no matter what social media tells you

Trading wild chimpanzees, including their meat and body parts, is illegal. And yet, social media influencers and companies still reap profits from sharing "cute" images and videos of chimpanzees and other primates poached ...

Bonobos found to grow similarly to humans

Until now, there has been a broad consensus that the human adolescent growth spurt in body length is evolutionarily unique and absent in other primates. However, such adolescent growth spurt occurs in many primate species ...

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