Jays found to be sensitive to cognitive illusions

A team of researchers working at the University of Cambridge, has found that Eurasian jays are sensitive to cognitive illusions designed to fool humans. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, ...

What happens when bats are given three choices?

The next time you see an online offer or go to the grocery store, notice whether there are two choices or three. A common marketing trick is to present three choices: The third choice is designed to shift your attention toward ...

Using snakes to monitor Fukushima radiation

Ten years after one of the largest nuclear accidents in history spewed radioactive contamination over the landscape in Fukushima, Japan, a University of Georgia study has shown that radioactive contamination in the Fukushima ...

Media's framing of disease may lead to AAPI discrimination

Describing diseases as originating from animals foreign to the Western diet serves to boost stereotypes of Asian culture and increase discrimination, according to new research from UC Riverside, Texas Tech, and Texas A&M.

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