Controlling electron spins by light

Topological insulators are considered a very promising material class for the development of future electronic devices. A research team at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin has discovered, how light can be used to alter the physical ...

Simple, like a neutron star

For astrophysicists neutron stars are extremely complex astronomical objects. Research conducted with the collaboration of SISSA and published in the journal Physical Review Letters demonstrates that in certain respects these ...

Image: Hubble eyes galaxy as flat as a pancake

( —Located some 25 million light-years away, this new Hubble image shows spiral galaxy ESO 373-8. Together with at least seven of its galactic neighbors, this galaxy is a member of the NGC 2997 group. We see it ...

Old young stars

( —The early stages of a star's life are critical both for the star and for any future planets that might develop around it. The process of star formation, once thought to involve just the simple coalescence of ...

Breaking nature's superfluid symmetry

Superfluids are an exotic state of matter in which particles flow without experiencing viscosity. Hiroki Ikegami and colleagues from the RIKEN Low Temperature Physics Laboratory in Wako have now observed another remarkable ...

Cosmic turbulences result in star and black hole formation

Just how stars and black holes in the Universe are able to form from rotating matter is one of the big questions of astrophysics. What we do know is that magnetic fields figure prominently into the picture. However, our current ...

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