A new telescope probes a young protostar

(Phys.org) —IRAS 16293-2922B is a very young star – a protostar - perhaps only about ten thousand years old. Slightly smaller in mass than our Sun, it is still deeply embedded in its surrounding natal material, and apparently ...

Information transport in antiferromagnets via pseudospin-magnons

A team of researchers from the Technical University of Munich, the Walther-Meissner-Institute of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim has discovered ...

Physicists discover new type of spin waves

Current technologies for information transfer and processing are challenged by fundamental physical limits. The more powerful they become, the more energy they need, and the more heat is released to the environment. Also, ...

Rare earths advance search for unified theory

Rare earth elements are used in computer hard drives, electric motors and to generate and amplify the lasers at Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility (NIF). Future applications may include serving as memory for ...

Laboratory experiments probe the formation of stars and planets

The cosmos is a void dotted with stars and an ever-increasing number of newly-observed planets beyond our solar system. Yet, how these stars and planets formed out of clouds of interstellar dust and gas remains mysterious.

Astronomers find anomalies in star V889 Herculis's rotation

The sun rotates the fastest at the equator, whereas the rotation rate slows down at higher latitudes and is the slowest at the polar regions. But a nearby sun-like star—V889 Herculis, some 115 light years away in the constellation ...

Arecibo data still yielding galactic insights

Data collected by the Arecibo Radio Telescope before it collapsed late last year will help astronomers better understand how our local neighborhood of galaxies formed.

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