Controlling electron spins by light

Topological insulators are considered a very promising material class for the development of future electronic devices. A research team at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin has discovered, how light can be used to alter the physical ...

Physicists create nanoscale spinning magnetic droplets

Researchers have successfully created a magnetic soliton – a nano-sized, spinning droplet that was first theorized 35 years ago. These solitons have implications for the creation of magnetic, spin-based computers.

Review discusses using nonlinear optics with structured light

Light can be tailored, much like cloth, weaving and stitching a pattern into the very fabric of light itself. This so-called structured light allows us to access, harness and exploit all light's degrees of freedom, for seeing ...

Image: Hubble eyes galaxy as flat as a pancake

( —Located some 25 million light-years away, this new Hubble image shows spiral galaxy ESO 373-8. Together with at least seven of its galactic neighbors, this galaxy is a member of the NGC 2997 group. We see it ...

Semiconductors with electric and magnetic properties

European scientists developed solid-state semiconductor components with magnetic properties, a prerequisite for a new generation of electronic devices exploiting both the charge and the spin of electrons.

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