Developing the building blocks of the future for photovoltaics

An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has, for the first time, observed the build-up of a physical phenomenon that plays a role in the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy in 2D materials. ...

A proof of odd-parity superconductivity

Superconductivity is a fascinating state of matter in which an electrical current can flow without any resistance. Usually, it can exist in two forms. One is destroyed easily with a magnetic field and has "even parity" (i.e., ...

Guiding a superconducting future with graphene quantum magic

Superconductors are materials that conduct electrical current with practically no electrical resistance at all. This ability makes them extremely interesting and attractive for a plethora of applications such as loss-less ...

A new understanding of how COVID infects humans

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation's National Deuteration Facility has provided deuterated cholesterol for international research to gain a better understanding of how the Spike protein of the COVID ...

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