LROC images reveal intricate details of lunar impacts

The moon is pelted with cosmic debris all the time, but the largest explosion on its surface that we've actually recorded occurred two years ago today. On March 17, 2013, an object the size of a small boulder hit the surface ...

Industry's largest glass-molded aspheric lens

Panasonic Corporation today announced that it has developed the industry's largest glass-molded aspheric lens measuring 75 mm in diameter that can be used for interchangeable lenses for cameras and projectors whose size and ...

Graphene multiplies the power of light

Could graphene turn light to electricity? Scientists have shown that graphene can convert a single photon into multiple electrons, showing much promise for future photovoltaic devices.

Image: 25 years ago, Voyager 2 captured images of Neptune

NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft gave humanity its first glimpse of Neptune and its moon Triton in the summer of 1989. This picture of Neptune was produced from the last whole planet images taken through the green and orange filters ...

A mirror with a peephole

When light shines through air onto water, some of the light usually will be reflected back into the air. But at one specific angle, called the Brewster angle, all of the p-polarized light travels into the water with no reflection. ...

Rosetta:The comet takes shape, one pixel at a time

Rosetta's scientific imaging system OSIRIS is slowly but surely resolving comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in its narrow angle camera (NAC), giving the first tantalising hints of its shape.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter takes newest 'Earthrise' image

That's Earth. That's us. Way off in the distance as a fairly small, blue and swirly white sphere. This is the newest so-called "Earthrise" image, and it was taken on February 1, 2014 by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

NASA Cassini images may reveal birth of a Saturn moon

( —NASA's Cassini spacecraft has documented the formation of a small icy object within the rings of Saturn that may be a new moon, and may also provide clues to the formation of the planet's known moons.

Making the most of carbon nanotube-liquid crystal combos

Dispersions of carbon nanotubes with liquid crystals have attracted much interest because they pave the way for creating new materials with added functionalities. Now, a study published in European Physical Journal E by Marina ...

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